Saturday, April 20, 2013

Finding a Job

The job search is not fun at all. I want to get a job, but living in a small town, and being as picky as I am, is not helping me. I also have no prior job experience that I can put on application, and I'm going to start college this fall, so its not like I have a completely open schedule or any kind of degree. I have a list of jobs I don't want to do, such as nothing with food, nothing gross, nothing where I have to fold clothes, and nothing where I have to clean a lot. I've applied to bath & body works, yankee candle, family video, JoAnn's fabric, and even for a job as a 911 operator. All jobs that I would love to have, and that meet my criteria of things I am willing to do, an may even like to do.

I know I'm picky and that there are not many options out there. I want a job because I want to be able to buy things when I want them, to be able to pay the car insurance, help out with family bills, to splurge on things like facials  movie tickets, new shoes, fresh flowers, and makeup, to be able to buy gifts for my family, and to pay for my hobbies, from seeds for gardening, fabric for sewing, fancy paints and brushes. I want to save up for my own car, a dog, and my own apartment, also be able to move to the west coast in two years time, using my own money. I don't like asking my mother for money, I'm not twelve anymore, and I feel as a young adult I should be more grown up, and responsible.

So I am job searching at the moment, contemplating making a babysitter account. Looking for jobs that work for me. I want the freedom of having cash in my pocket, my own income. Money is not everything, I know and believe this, in the future once I'm married with children in a house that I own, and working as a Waldorf teacher, I want to be able to not need money so much, to live simply and naturally, but for right now at the age of nineteen, I want shoes, perfume, and some new fancy frocks...

In other news I got a haircut a few days ago that I love, and I got an x-ray yesterday of my abdomen. Last week I was given a pill capsule full of tiny rubber band to take, the x-ray was to see where all the little rubber bands are in my digestive system five days later, very weird. I have dozens of little tiny rubber bands inside me at the moment...


"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." - Leo Buscaglia 

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