Monday, May 20, 2013

A Letter to Mom

Dear Mom,

I'm writing this letter to explain how much I love you, and appreciate everything you do for me. Your birthday, and mothers day have pasted; Christmas is far away, but I just wanted to write this out, for you and for myself.

From the day I was born you have been there for me. I know with me as a daughter, you have gone through a lot, learned so much, and sacrificed so much.  From my medical problems, and learning disabilities, to me not being a soccer player, and me being one of the most unrealistic dreamers out there. You were there for everything: First day of school, softball games, surgeries, my school plays, appointments, the good days, the bad days, learning to drive, my first concert, my baptism, first apartment, getting my GED, and so much more.

You are the reason I am here, and that I am a whole person. You have helped me with everything, from the small stuff like buying me tissues for when I have a cold, to the big stuff like motivating me to live my life, and just be happy. You have taught me so much, to walk, talk, whistle, cook, clean, and that even when there are dark clouds all around you, you have to fight and stay strong!

You are the bravest, strongest person I know. I love that I have your beautiful green eyes, and pretty dark brown hair. I love that even thought you are tomboy, you still are girly at heart, from loving pink, to looking lovely in a dress.

A lot of people claim they have the best mom out there, but they are wrong, because you are not there mom.  You are my mom, and all I can say to sum it up is 'Thank You'.



"The person who has inspired me my whole life is my Mom, because she taught me commitment. She sacrificed." - Mike Krzyzewski 

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