Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Bad Habits

Breaking bad habits is really hard. I bite my nails all the time, and I bite them so short until they bleed. So that is a terrible thing right? Well I have always wanted to stop, but have never been able to. I've been biting them pretty much my whole life, its like my own little addiction. I hate it and its almost like I do it without even thinking. I've done the whole paint my nails so its gross tasting when I try to bite them, but nail polish doesn't stop me. So this week, lets say this month I have made it my goal to not bite my nails at all. This is much harder then I thought it would be.

I went to a nail salon, had acrylic nails put on, with the crazy strong super glue and stuff, just so it would make it so I cant chew on my fingers. Let me tell you if I had not done that, I don't think I could go longer then maybe three days without freaking out and biting them. It makes me wonder how hard it must be for people who smoke, drink, or have drug addictions. It must be a millions times harder then my nail biting issue. So hats off to anyone who has beat there addiction, I think that makes you and great strong person. My mom has been smoking since she was a teenager, but she quite three months ago, and I think she is amazing to be able to beat such a hard addiction.

I also wish I could get in the routine of having better habits. Like keeping my room clean, flossing more, following a skin care regimen, making my bed every morning, washing my makeup off before I go to bed, shaving my legs every time I shower instead of like once every three weeks... don't judge me...I think its just as hard starting good habits, as breaking bad ones, at least for me it is.

In other news I have started working! Not in like a real job, but I made a profile and have started doing so babysitting jobs. Let me tell you two year old boys are the best! Every time I come home from babysitting I just wish I had my own kids and family. For those of you who don't know, I want six kids, hopefully three girls and three boys. Anytime I tell someone that, they give me this look as if I'm crazy. I want an even number, but more then four, yet less then eight, so six is perfect.


"Life is meant to be a celebration! It shouldn't be necessary to set aside special times to remind us of this fact. Wise is the person who finds a reason to make every day a special one." - Leo Buscaglia 

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