Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday List - Favorite Baby Names

Favorite Boy Names.

1. Anthony

2. Declan

3. Roger

4. Colin

5. Elliot

6. Warren

7. Lincoln

8. Matthew

9. Cameron

10. Ian

Favorite Girl Names.

1. Sylvia

2. Johanna

3. Lavinia

4. Freya

5. Sally

6. Marnie

7. Miriam

8. Yvaine

9. Daphne

10. Valerie

So I love these names so much. Some of these will most likely be my future children's names. What do you think? I have a slight obsession with baby names, I have spent a lot of times on name websites just reading about the different meanings and origins of names. My name 'Emma' is very popular now a days, and it meaning is universal. I love my name. My mom told me she got it from a show called '30 Something'.


"I feel very adventurous. There are so many doors to be opened, and I'm not afraid to look behind them." - Elizabeth Taylor

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